
Start of the tourseason

The tourseason has started but it has been a rather slow start due to the covid regulations and many of our guests not being fully vaccinated yet in June. We did have a full group of Icelandic riders half of June though, and the week after a kids ridingcamp which was lots of fun. Our 2 Midnight Sun tours were very small groups, but the weather was amazing and our guests enjoyed the near to private tours to the fullest!

At the same time, our horses seem to be so ready to go! We are now riding just some training rides with them to get them in shape a bit, and they are bursting with energy every time the gate opens! It is very nice to see them so eager to go, ready for the big dreamtour adventure starting next week!

We are planning to follow the dreamtour along in the coming 2 months. Both by posting blogs (partly written by riders) and pictures here, and by social media (facebook and instagram). So if you‘d like to follow Bjarni & the other riders on the Dreamtour, make sure you‘ll follow us on facebook and/or instagram and through this blog at our website.
Facebook: Riding Iceland 
Instagram: riding iceland or saltvikridingtours

For now, enjoy some pictures of the past weeks! 

2 thoughts on “Start of the tourseason”

  1. I’m already so excited and look forward to being part of the dreamtour, first part Sprengisandur. It will be an incredible experience.
    Isabell from Germany

  2. Lars Mohr Christensen

    In a few days I am participating dreamtour part 1. 👍 I am looking very much forward to this, and this is my no. 10 trip with Saltvik Riding Tours.

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